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Yo soy de ese tipo de personas a las que les gusta meterse en problemas y despu'es contarles a todos la manera m'as complicada que encontr'o para resolverlas. Estupideces 'e[icas que no hubieran pasado si se hubiera planeado todo a tiempo, o si se pensara diferente. No. no soy pr'actica. He descubierto que lo m'io no es un autoboicot, es en s'i una manera de divertirme conmigo misma, pero debo de aprender a meterme en problemas que me llevan a algo, a unos no tan severos, m'as recreativos y que tengan menos consecuencias.

Me gusta tener una vida para recordar, una vida que valga la pena contarse despu'es. Me gusta la gente que cuenta historias, aunque sean falsas, pero que rellene el tiempo con algun tipo de fantas'ia o teor'ia sobre la realidad, por m'as in'util que parezca. Me gusta que la gente crea en algo, para empezar.

El final? El final no me importa. El resultado siempre es el mismo: un error. Un descubrimiento. Un error reci'en salidito del horno de la ignorancia. Para que al final todo se me olvida y tenga que empezar de cero. Asi de simple mis neuronas se sueltan de las manos y pff, todo a la basura.

Los errores tambien cuestan. algunos son baratos, otros son impagables. Pero bueno, bienvenidos sean los problemas y las paginas en blanco. Bienvenidas todas esas nuevas caras y espacios en los telefonos celulares. Bienvenidas palabras que no entiendo, platicas infinitas, camas y almohadas desconocidas.

Posted via email from Alina Poulain Official Site


I'm about to meet Aniko, the frien of my friend Fernando Cordova and that's exiting... I really don't want to leave this city. Every corner has nice people. For example, today I've met a polish gallery with the work of two artists that explores the identity of the trasgender community. Their names are Lidia Krawczyk and Wojtek Kubian. After a few mijutes we were talking about Dydo, a famous poster collector from Poland I met thanks to Piotr Kunce and Josefina Romero my professor at the Design Faculty in Anahuac University. They have a poster exhibition I have to see tomorrow and they are friends of the Electrographic Association and FISE members. These are the moments when I think "the world is so small". Everything is connected and maybe nothing is coincidence.
In the morning I was little sad brcause I let my inner demonds because I still get no response from the Adele team to get the interview I want and my time in London will be short. I don't have money to change the flight's dates so I haved called the next week the Non Sleeping Week. I have so much things to do and places to visit to meet pleople I always wanted to know like Adele, Jamie Cullum and people at some galleries. So I hope everythibg goes as planned. I have to focus to make the best out of my budget and my time.

Contrary to what I thought before this trip, many people here in Budapest cannot live just being artists, I mean they have to work tonpay their own shows and there's a small budget from the government but it's not enough. That's so sad. What I see is that in world most of the money is spent on wars and then, they regret their actions and spend more money to build museums so the people can remember how terrible it was.

I day this because I was in the House of terror museum where many ...

Posted via email from Alina Poulain Official Site


Today is my sixth day in Hungary. My room is a mess. There's hair and dirty clothes everywhere. But I have a great sensation in my mind. I feel totally new and that is because I gave everything yesterday at the DARK PASSENGERS show in the FISE Gallery. I sang six mexican songs that complement the message of the drawings in the gallery.

The intention of the music was to make a contrast between the colourful images and with their messages. Every one of them have a way to hurt or they have been hurt by somebody. Talking about pain and represent it with brilliant colors makes an ironic but also positive exhibition.

The mounting process was absolute crazy. This is where I have to put all my knowledge in mimic arts to understand and communicate with curator Agnes Haäz because she doesn't speak English. We found ways and sounds to understand each other and that worked perfectly. She's so perfectionist and I loves that. At the end everything was ok. The aluminum frames looked great.

Yesterday, many FISE members came to the show and a member of the Mexican Embassy, Denis Reynaud-Pulido, cultural attaché was here in representation of the Ambassador Isabel Bárbara Téllez Rosete. Borbála Cseh gave an speech about my past works and how I won the prize in 2007 and that was the reason I came here to have a solo show. then Agnés speak too about the very characteristic style of the drawings and their messages. Robert Mascher also talked about the 28 hour trip I’ve made to present my works at the gallery.

For me this was not another exhibition. It was a very personal concert to give a voice for each drawing. To tell that I’m not sad because I need happy pills, I’m upset because my whole country is gloomy, it’s being damaged by a terrible war and the worst is that nobody asked us if we really wanted to be part of it. 

Hungarians have seen the images of Casino Royale in the news and they were surprised to see a different perspective of that wonderful Mexico, the one they wish to visit like Acapulco or Cancún. This is so different. They didn’t understand how a rich country like Mexico is involved in this cruel battle. 

I was too much voices last night. The happy voices, the crying voices but also the courageous voices, the ones that demand a change but not only in a government, a change of ourselves.

These DARK PASSENGERS stay here at the FISE Gallery to be seen as we see in the mirror. This a a reflection of us, as a society and as human beings. If I can touch your heart, then I had succeeded and everything was worthy. 



Posted via email from Alina Poulain Official Site


Today is my sixth day in Hungary. My room is a mess. There's hair and dirty clothes everywhere. But I have a great sensation in my mind. I feel totally new and that is because I gave everything yesterday at the DARK PASSENGERS show in the FISE Gallery. I sang six mexican songs that complement the message of the drawings in the gallery.

The intention of the music was to make a contrast between the colourful images and with their messages. Every one of them have a way to hurt or they have been hurt by somebody. Talking about pain and represent it with brilliant colors makes an ironic but also positive exhibition.

The mounting process was absolute crazy. This is where I have to put all my knowledge in mimic arts to understand and communicate with curator Agnes Haäz because she doesn't speak English. We found ways and sounds to understand each other and that worked perfectly. She's so perfectionist and I loves that. At the end everything was ok. The aluminum frames looked great.

Yesterday, many FISE members came to the show and a member of the Mexican Embassy, Denis Reynaud-Pulido, cultural attaché was here in representation of the Ambassador Isabel Bárbara Téllez Rosete. Borbála Cseh gave an speech about my past works and how I won the prize in 2007 and that was the reason I came here to have a solo show. then Agnés speak too about the very characteristic style of the drawings and their messages. Robert Mascher also talked about the 28 hour trip I’ve made to present my works at the gallery.

For me this was not another exhibition. It was a very personal concert to give a voice for each drawing. To tell that I’m not sad because I need happy pills, I’m upset because my whole country is gloomy, it’s being damaged by a terrible war and the worst is that nobody asked us if we really wanted to be part of it. 

Hungarians have seen the images of Casino Royale in the news and they were surprised to see a different perspective of that wonderful Mexico, the one they wish to visit like Acapulco or Cancún. This is so different. They didn’t understand how a rich country like Mexico is involved in this cruel battle. 

I were too much voices last night. The happy voices, the crying voices but also the courageous voices, the ones that demand a change but not only in a government, a change of ourselves.

These DARK PASSENGERS stay here at the FISE Gallery to be seen as we see in the mirror. This a a reflection of us, as a society and as human beings. If I can touch your heart, then I had succeeded and everything was worthy. 


Posted via email from Alina Poulain Official Site