
I'm about to meet Aniko, the frien of my friend Fernando Cordova and that's exiting... I really don't want to leave this city. Every corner has nice people. For example, today I've met a polish gallery with the work of two artists that explores the identity of the trasgender community. Their names are Lidia Krawczyk and Wojtek Kubian. After a few mijutes we were talking about Dydo, a famous poster collector from Poland I met thanks to Piotr Kunce and Josefina Romero my professor at the Design Faculty in Anahuac University. They have a poster exhibition I have to see tomorrow and they are friends of the Electrographic Association and FISE members. These are the moments when I think "the world is so small". Everything is connected and maybe nothing is coincidence.
In the morning I was little sad brcause I let my inner demonds because I still get no response from the Adele team to get the interview I want and my time in London will be short. I don't have money to change the flight's dates so I haved called the next week the Non Sleeping Week. I have so much things to do and places to visit to meet pleople I always wanted to know like Adele, Jamie Cullum and people at some galleries. So I hope everythibg goes as planned. I have to focus to make the best out of my budget and my time.

Contrary to what I thought before this trip, many people here in Budapest cannot live just being artists, I mean they have to work tonpay their own shows and there's a small budget from the government but it's not enough. That's so sad. What I see is that in world most of the money is spent on wars and then, they regret their actions and spend more money to build museums so the people can remember how terrible it was.

I day this because I was in the House of terror museum where many ...

Posted via email from Alina Poulain Official Site

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